Reminder of the MCU Conference Which Begins Today: Saving the soul of Anglicanism

A draft of the programme may found here.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE)

5 comments on “Reminder of the MCU Conference Which Begins Today: Saving the soul of Anglicanism

  1. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Define MCU. I see a list of speakers and topics that strongly suggest the soul of Anglicanism is being expounded by its living adversaries and documented fabric tearers who are responsible for the death of Anglicanism as it had been. And the ego which exercises a gravitational pull akin to a black hole (metaphor, folks who might be too concrete) is going to be there – wherever there is.

    Care to enlighten this non-illuminati, elves?

    It is the Modern Churchpeople’s Union, a reappraising group in the C of E.

  2. tjmcmahon says:

    What particular druidic deity are they saving the Anglican soul for?

    Please let’s go easy on the cynicism-ed.

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Thanks, elves! That it was a re-appraising group was as obvious as the reliability of the former PB Griswold’s word or the gravitational effect of the simple country EGO from somewhere in the American Province. Is the location known or shall I merely look for the newest opening to hellmouth or wherever it is hellboy II is from?

  4. MargaretG says:

    Wasn’t this the group that the person from Britain who wanted to become a bishop but the African church fought back, belonged to?

  5. Dr. William Tighe says:

    Re: #4,
