Episcopal Cafe's Other Lambeth resources fails their own Inclusiveness Standard

Ah…errr, gee, not one reasserter site on the list. Hmmm.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Episcopal Church (TEC), Lambeth 2008

24 comments on “Episcopal Cafe's Other Lambeth resources fails their own Inclusiveness Standard

  1. Susan Russell says:

    I thought I saw a note at the end that said “Did we miss any blogging bishops? Let us know.”

    Sounds pretty inclusive to me.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    The very picture of diversity, Fr. Harmon: gay leftists, lesbian leftists, black leftists, ambidextrous transexual Aleutian leftists… Did you expect anything else?

  3. AKHF says:

    James Stanton, Bob Duncan, Charles Jenkins- not exactly flaming liberals. And please add links as you know of them. Maybe your bishops aren’t blogging?

  4. TLDillon says:

    Maybe our bishops are actually going to do the work not to talk about it to the world as it happens. Maybe they are there in all seriousness not in jest and to be blogging journalists! But, hey maybe your bishops already know the outcome of Lambeth contrary to our bishops, so blogging will be their entertainment since Lambeth offers nothing for them to focus on.

  5. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    As far as I know Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol is sound.

  6. Sarah1 says:

    Hey guys, why be offended? Do reasserters read the Cafe anyway? I don’t . . .

    It’s a revisionist website — it’s only natural they’d throw up the revisionist bloggers. They need to live into their identity, just as the conservative websites need to do the same.

    Doesn’t trouble me at all — a bit like asking why Bob Duncan can’t be on the board of Integrity, you know.

  7. evan miller says:

    My thought exactly. Silly to expect them to carry conservative bloggers.

  8. Grandmother says:

    Lucky me, my older operating system will not open the “Cafe” site.
    All I get is a blank page of orangy/brown.

    Perhaps that’s a good thing?

    Gloria in SC

  9. Sarah1 says:

    Thanks, Evan.

    Of course — the main issue is that revisionist Episcopalians much-vaunt their highest values of “inclusion” and “affirmation”. So it’s always nice to point out that their values only apply actually to people who share the same gospel as they do.

    But I think the past five years have pretty much established that their “values” of inclusion and diversity and affirmation were pretty much simply rhetorical sophisms designed to appeal to the naive and the trusting.

    Thankfully there’s a lot less of naivete and trust going around now in the Episcopal Church and even moderates are learning to roll their eyes at the whole “inclusion” and “diversity” boilerplates.

    And that’s, really, the main reason to point this stuff out periodically.

  10. David Keller says:

    But Sarah, that prominent Windsor Bishop, Dorsey Henderson is on the list. What more can you ask? I am personally awaiting his prouncements with baited breath.

  11. State of Limbo says:

    I have been hoping that +Duncan and +Scriven from Pittsburgh would be providing some type of running commentary. However, the link given is to the Pittsburgh Diocesan Website and that blog hasn’t been updated since February.
    I do see where the Bishop for my diocese is listed as an officially sanctioned blogger. I am anxious to hear their view.

    Being a reasserter in a revisionist diocese is such a lonely position…

  12. Billy says:

    Not that I would expect anything other than reapprasing blogs from Jim Naughton and the Cafe but, as #3, points out, Duncan, Stanton and Jenkins – at least I think he’s still considered a moderate – are listed. The problem might be that so few reasserting bishops are attending Lambeth, unfortunately.

  13. tired says:

    “Ah…errr, gee, not one reasserter site on the list. Hmmm.”

    But that is their Inclusiveness Standard.

    [10] With respect, I hope you mean bated breath. Otherwise, I’ll try to figure out how to email a stick of Trident.

  14. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Now, now, Kendall, this is WHAT “inclusivity” means in practice. You are far too theoretical…………..!

  15. Kendall Harmon says:

    Hello, folks, I am NOT talking about the list of bishops, but the list of sites (after the bishops at the bottom) following Lambeth frequently, and, no, Susan it isn’t an inclusive list at all.

  16. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Ah I see Canon Harmon – although it does include Dave Walker, Official War Artist for the Lambeth Conference.

  17. JHual says:

    Bishop of Bristol Mike Hill is sound indeed, and I’m suprised to see him included in this “inclusive” list. I once heard him preach a fiery sermon against the liberal movement using Phillipians 3: 18-19:
    “For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.

  18. David Keller says:

    #13–Sorry; no spell check on T19. Although this whole thing does seem a little fishy to me.

  19. Gator says:

    #18–I had a fitness fiend friend who just ate tuna out of a can for lunch. The office smelled like we just fed the cat.

  20. Suzanne Gill says:

    #15 — Thanks for the clarity. Are there any reasserter blogs you can recommend?

  21. midwestnorwegian says:

    Hey Susan – I think you should link to Christopher Johnson at MCJ if you dare.

  22. teatime says:

    I think it’s our duty to force “inclusion” by commenting on the posts by the blogging bishops at the Cafe.

  23. Ed the Roman says:

    #21 – Dude, TREES should live so long.

  24. Kendall Harmon says:

    His Suzanne in #20–here is but one example:
