Bank Limits Fund Access by Colleges, Inciting Fears

In a move suggesting how the credit crisis could disrupt American higher education, Wachovia Bank has limited the access of nearly 1,000 colleges to $9.3 billion the bank has held for them in a short-term investment fund, raising worries on some campuses about meeting payrolls and other obligations.

Wachovia, the North Carolina bank that agreed this week to sell its banking operations to Citigroup, has held the money in its role as trustee for a fund used by colleges and universities and managed by a Connecticut nonprofit, Commonfund.

On Monday, Wachovia announced that it would resign its role as trustee of the fund, and would limit access to the fund to 10 percent of each college’s account value. On Tuesday, Commonfund said that by selling some government bonds and other assets held in the fund, it had succeeded in raising its liquidity to 26 percent.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Credit Markets, Economy, Education

One comment on “Bank Limits Fund Access by Colleges, Inciting Fears

  1. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    Well now, folks that really want to go to college can sign up for military service and get the G.I. Bill, just like I did…just like millions of other men and women have.