Nigerian Archbishop calls for end to crime wave in Delta region

THE ARCHBISHOP of Nigeria has condemned the kidnapping of a British toddler in the Niger Delta, and has called for an end to the crime spree that threatens to destabilise the country’s oil producing region.

Archbishop Peter Akinola wrote that ”˜the spate of kidnapping’ was a ”˜worrisome trend.’ He expressed relief that three-year-old Margaret Hill had been released unharmed, but asked ”˜How long will this go on?’

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of Nigeria

2 comments on “Nigerian Archbishop calls for end to crime wave in Delta region

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Wonderful that this little girl was released back to her family.

  2. Alice Linsley says:

    Thank you, Lord for her deliverance.

    I had a Romanian student at the boarding school were I taught 2+ years ago whose parents went to work for a petro company in the Delta region. They brought him to our school rather than put him at risk. The kidnapping has been going on for a long time.