Tim Nunez: We can’t honor our baptismal vows while asserting a partial truth about Christ

The truth we have is admittedly partial, but it is sufficient to proclaim him as Lord and Savior, the Son of God, the Messiah. That is the Christian witness. We may wrestle with it. We may ponder and wonder at it. But for the Church or its leaders to discard it would make us something other than Christian. We may be nice, helpful, neighborly citizens, but something other than Christian.

I did not bring all this up to point out the speck in Ms. Redding’s eye, although I am distressed and saddened by her actions. The risk in addressing this matter is that it invites you to join (or criticize) my distress and sadness. The log in my own eye is how far I fall short of proclaiming our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in sharing his healing love. I encourage you and Ms. Redding to join me in not settling for partial truth.

The claim of our Episcopal Church, to which I have dedicated my life as I knelt before her, my bishop, and God, and through which I swore to serve God, is that Jesus is Lord. He is the only Son of God, and it is only through his sacrifice that our sin might be overcome. In him is life, true life. This is what we believe and proclaim together. Yet we do so with all humility, as St. Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own” (NRSV)

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Christology, Episcopal Church (TEC), Theology

6 comments on “Tim Nunez: We can’t honor our baptismal vows while asserting a partial truth about Christ

  1. drjoan says:

    Thank God for plain, clear, and direct speaking leaders such as Fr. Nunez!

  2. Makersmarc says:

    A good job, as always, Tim; complete agreement. Glad to see you get some deserved recognition.
    Marc Vance

  3. Br. Michael says:

    Well that’s true, but not in ECUSA or what ever it is calling itself.

  4. evan miller says:

    “Makersmarc,” I love it! Hope you’re having a good summer.

  5. Makersmarc says:

    I am so glad you appreciate all the levels of that monicer, Evan, as any good Christian Kentuckian should! Summer’s good, busy. Spoke with Ann when I was home on vacation. Hopefully, she expressed my greetings to you and Leslie. Peace, bro.

  6. Maria Lytle says:

    A very good, thoughtful piece, Timoteo. Sinners that we are, we all fall short, and settling for half-truths has certainly contributed to our present difficulties.

    Cheers to you Makersmarc!