Fr. Jeffrey Steel Becomes a Roman Catholic: 'I Have Jumped into the Tiber to Swim Across'

Fr Steel writes out of Durham, England,in the United Kingdom. His announcement to “swim the Tiber” this month has shaken the blogosphere. It is one more sign of a move among many Anglicans toward full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Father’s bio was recently changed to read: “I am formerly an Anglican priest who is now swimming the Tiber with my family to become Roman Catholics. I am about to submit a PhD thesis at St. Andrews University in Scotland in the area of Eucharistic Sacrifice. The thesis looks at Lancelot Andrewes as a catalyst for ecumenism with the Roman Catholic Church on the Sacrifice of the Mass.”

We regularly cover the great challenges facing our Christian friends within the Anglican communion as they struggle against heresy, declining morals, and a wholesale effort to reject classical christian orthodoxy even among some of their Bishops. We will continue to do so because we believe that having a concern for all Christians is an obligation for Catholics. We have also covered those who, following their consciences, have chosen to come into the full communion of the Catholic Church. That is now the path that Fr. Steel and his family have taken. We welcome them home and present his stirring letter of announcement for our readers below.It can be found on his blog.Finally, we regularly attempt to educate Catholics on the growing contribution of the “Anglican Use” parishes in the Catholic Church. Many Catholics are not aware of the pastoral provision or Anglican use parishes.

It is important for Catholics to understand the great fullness of the treasury of our Catholic Christian faith….

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Other Churches, Roman Catholic

5 comments on “Fr. Jeffrey Steel Becomes a Roman Catholic: 'I Have Jumped into the Tiber to Swim Across'

  1. Sarah1 says:

    RE: “His announcement to “swim the Tiber” this month has shaken the blogosphere.”


    I wouldn’t quite go that far. ; > )

    I think anyone with an eye could have seen it coming years ago, unlike some other Tiber-crossings.

    And congratulations to Father Steel. I wish him great joy and peace in his new home.

  2. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    This news was certainly ran the British blogs last week. I was not surprised by Fr. Steel’s announcement, especially when he said he spent Easter week in Rome on “vacation.”

    I was actually saddened by this news. I met him once when I was in England, and he was a good priest. He was more catholic than the Pope, though, so I figured it was only a matter of time. I wished him well, but I hate to see the church losing good, solid priests. We need all of them that we can get.

  3. Monksgate says:

    This is not meant as a criticism in the least. I ask from genuine curiosity. Why has this particular announcement “shaken” (or stirred) the blogosphere? I could understand a bishop’s or a convent’s decision to “swim the Tiber” as newsworthy, but a parish priest? Is his blog more influential than I realize, I wonder? Thanks for any illumination.

  4. Ad Orientem says:

    Cheer up. It’s true Rome got Fr. Steel and some very traditional nuns. But remember TEC got Fr. Cutie. Surely that’s a fair trade…

    In ICXC

  5. Observer from RCC says:

    It is a difficult balance. The RCC is pleased to have wonderful Christian men and women choose to become RC. On the other hand, it is of great concern to see a Christian demonination move away from its traditional understanding and have no room for orthodox Christian men and women to feel that they can stay. There is nothing to celebrate in that.