Courier Journal: New chapel opens at Episcopal Church Home in Kentucky

The 3,600-square-foot church, which faces Lyndon Lane across from Westport Village Shopping Center, is also intended to serve people in the immediate neighborhood. About 400 people were invited to the consecration service, which also was open to the public.

“Let the doors be opened,” the Rev. Edwin F. Gulick Jr., Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky intoned at the service, before leading a procession into the church sanctuary. The congregation sang “The Church’s One Foundation.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, TEC Bishops

2 comments on “Courier Journal: New chapel opens at Episcopal Church Home in Kentucky

  1. Steven in Falls Church says:

    I am all for opening churches wherever and whenever possible, but what a stark depiction of the negative demographic trends within TEC that the only story about the opening of a new TEC chapel that I can recall running on T19 for the past several years concerns a new chapel at a retirement home.

  2. Statmann says:

    This is not some store-front addition to the retirement center. In fact it must be quite posh at one thousand dollars a square foot! (Check my arithmetic: 3.65 million divided by 3.6 thousand.) And Kentucky ranked 46th (in 2007) for Personal Income Per Capita. The Diocese of Kentucky must be doing quite well despite the national economy and the low level of Personal Income in Kentucky. Statmann