Bishop FitzSimons Allison Audio–His Speech toward the very end of Yesterday's Clergy Day

Click here to listen to audio clip (Hat tip: JB).

What he says at the beginning, because the audio is not entirely clear, is that he promised his wife Martha that he would not say anything at the clergy day. That is followed by a lot of laughter when he explains he is now breaking that promise.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts, Theology

15 comments on “Bishop FitzSimons Allison Audio–His Speech toward the very end of Yesterday's Clergy Day

  1. Matthew A (formerly mousestalker) says:

    Is there any chance of a transcript being posted?

  2. Christopher Johnson says:

    Know something, Kendall? South Carolina has had WAY more than its share of great Anglicans. 😉

  3. Carolina Anglican says:

    This was a great speech to end the day and reminded us to appreciate the bishop’s text and vision.

  4. palmettopastor says:

    It was like being in front of William Wallace in a light blue blazer.
    Kendall, i have audio of this too and am working on a transcript..
    I’ll zip it to you when its complete.

  5. Kendall Harmon says:

    #4 thanks a lot i will look forward to getting it

  6. Sarah1 says:

    Boy am I fond of this bishop.

    What a man, what a bishop, what a theologian, what an ally for Bishop Lawrence.

    I find it intriguing that this bishop — an ardent supporter of AMiA, ACNA, and Common Cause — has given such an amazing call to the clergy to please support Bishop Lawrence. He speaks as a person who has been through the early trenches of TEC warfare — and admits that his group failed at dealing with it. He speaks with some degree of knowledge of bishoping and points out that Bishop Lawrence is responding with courage and scholarship and wisdom all together, and not in a head in the sand way.

    I am so proud to have a slight acquaintance with this man. Fantastic and eloquent and understanding comments.

    When can the transcription arrive?

  7. more martha than mary says:

    Palmettopastor, I look forward to seeing your transcript.

    My husband and I found ourselves with Bishop Allison and his wife in Northern Ireland when some after-dinner toasting to a tremendous week was being done. No one in our group had a recording device, nor was a pencil and paper at hand. His off-the-cuff remarks that night were priceless! All in our party were caught completely off guard by his gentleness, thoughtfulness and wisdom.

    I am the sort who collects wise thoughts from wise people. What I wouldn’t do for a transcript of his remarks, five years ago at Ardtara Country House in Maghera!

  8. John Burwell+ says:

    While not exactly a transcript, Here’s the exact quote the Living Church referenced from Bishop Allison. It begins about 7:30 in the audio clip:

    No living bishop that I know of is capable of having the faith, the scholarship, the courage; the wisdom to put out this paper. I wanted to jump up and holler when he finished reading us this!

    And I am disappointed in you that you do not recognize that no living bishop and very few dead were capable of doing this!

  9. seitz says:

    John–who is +Fitz ‘disappointed’ with? grace and peace. C.

  10. Kendall Harmon says:

    #9, he says quite explicitly he is disappointed with the clergy. Not very often does one hear an ovation for a public rebuke.

  11. Charles Jordan says:

    Kendall+ (#10), Not knowing the questions that the clergy asked, it appears dangerous that +Allison, whose continuing participation in SC is a great gift, expresses disappointment at the hint of any dissent. Most all the clergy in SC, especially those who asked questions and were rebuked, recognize that there is no Anglican/Episcopal Bishop (especially on this side of the Atlantic) whose faith, scholarship, courage and wisdom exceed that of +Lawrence. But their respect for him, does not mean, and likely compels, their questioning of him. I would be interested to know the nature of the questions or concerns that that +Allison believes are beyond the pale. The last I checked, even the Pope in Rome does not claim infallibility over matters of disciple, and I doubt that +Lawrence would arrogate to himself such authority. And it is not often one hears an ovation for a public rebuke except in totalitarian societies where the leadership is beyond criticism. I would hope the the clergy of this Diocese are sufficiently mature to engage in constructive discussions without being shouted down by a former Bishop.

  12. seitz says:

    #10–thanks for the clarification.

  13. Robert Dedmon says:

    Many would like to see a transcript of Bishop Allison’s

  14. Kendall Harmon says:

    #11, part of the reason I put up the audio clip was so that people can interpret exactly what was said and have access to the original. When you listen to Bishop Allison, he is not questioning people’s desire or ability to question. He did not feel (his evaluation BTW) that the clergy were being sufficiently supportive of the Bishop in terms of the weight of his theological critque and the difficulty of the task before him.

    One of the things that is ironic about your comment is that the current environment is moving toward the opposite of what you describe. Mark Lawrence has bent over pretty hard to invite critical feedback and active engagement.

    Also, can we ease up on the extreme language if possible? Your comment goes miles beyond the evidence to bring in the word “totalitarian.”


  15. Charles Jordan says:

    Apologizes if the language came across as extreme. It appeared the Bishop Lawrence did ask for critical feedback, and I did not intend that any criticism be directed towards him. We are very blessed in SC. My concern is the reaction from others when it was received.