Life at a funeral

The women came cloaked in black, wearing strings of pearls and floppy hats with thick bows. The men came in designer suits with silk handkerchiefs tucked into their breast pockets.

It was in some respects the ultimate A-list funeral, where high-society New York notables were ushered past cameras and crowds into St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue. They had come to honor Brooke Astor, the Manhattan philanthropist and socialite who died Monday of pneumonia at the age of 105.

Her funeral Friday, like her parties, brought out New York’s upper echelon of celebrities, politicians and dignitaries, including former opera star Jessye Norman, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and co-host of “The View” Whoopi Goldberg.

Astor began planning the ceremony more than a decade ago, updating her guest list of more than 400 names over the years. Known for impeccable style, Astor picked every hymn, Bible verse and prayer to send her spirit off spectacularly.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry

3 comments on “Life at a funeral

  1. stjohnsrector says:

    The audio of the service is available at

  2. teatime says:

    What a beautifully written story! Funny how that happens when the subject is exceptional. The upper balcony folk were there because Mrs. Astor touched their lives and inspired them; the A-list seemed to be there out of a sense of duty and prestige.

  3. Daniel Lozier says:

    I wonder if she enjoyed it?