No we can't ”” UK think tank says US power fading

A weakened United States could start retreating from the world stage without help from its allies abroad, an international strategic affairs think tank said Tuesday.

The London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies said President Barack Obama would increasingly turn to others for help dealing with the world’s problems ”” in part because he has no alternative.

“Domestically Obama may have campaigned on the theme ‘yes we can’; internationally he may increasingly have to argue ‘no we can’t’,” the institute said in its annual review of world affairs.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Economy, England / UK, Foreign Relations, Globalization, Politics in General, The U.S. Government

3 comments on “No we can't ”” UK think tank says US power fading

  1. APB says:

    It is funny how often the chants of “Yankee go home!” become panicked pleas to stay when confronted with the possibility we might actually do that.

  2. Cennydd says:

    I think it’s time that the rest of the free world started taking more of the load on their shoulders. After all, we’ve borne a disproprtionate share of world leadership in the form of defense expenditures since 1945.

  3. Billy says:

    This reminds me of our time during Jimmy Carter’s “reign” as our Pres., when we were basically told by him and his administration that we simply have to realize that we were not the strongest kid on the block and we sometimes just have to settle for less than we want. Then the Reagan revolution occurred, pride in the US was regained, the Berlin Wall fell, the USSR fell apart, and we were the strongest kid on the block, turns out. I still believe if our government would get out of our way, our citizens would make this the best world for all of us to live in within this country and without. And I firmly believe that the day is coming when this idea that the US is somehow weak or somehow not being a power for good in the world will fade into oblivion, just like it did when we got Jimmy Carter out of office. Only this new movement of strength and power may come from the grassroots, not be led by a powerful personality, like Reagan.