Archbishop John Sentamu: The price of freedom is to stand up and vote

You should have been at my home last weekend when dozens of teenagers gathered to write their post-election manifesto. Only three were actually old enough to vote, but they were all as keen as mustard to get to grips with the issues of the day and list their priorities. They really cared about their country and beyond.

And now that the General Election has dawned, with the major parties competing for your vote in a number of marginal seats here in Yorkshire, there should be at least as much commitment to voting as anywhere else.

Can it be true that some will not be sufficiently motivated to vote at all?

From the long line of shpuld have already been posted material–read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Economics, Politics, Anglican Provinces, Archbishop of York John Sentamu, Church of England (CoE), Politics in General