Upper South Carolina Bishop clears way for Trinity to end relationship with Dean Linder

The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina cleared the way Wednesday for Trinity Episcopal Cathedral to dissolve its 11-year relationship with the Very Rev. Philip C. Linder, the dean who was suspended in July.

Bishop W. Andrew Waldo lifted the original suspension ”” for violating a pastoral directive not to speak to members about a growing leadership conflict ”” and indicated he would not file formal disciplinary charges against Linder.

But Waldo insisted Linder remain “constrained” from ministry at the city’s oldest and most prominent Episcopal congregation. The Rev. Charles M. Davis Jr. remains acting dean.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Episcopal Church (TEC), Law & Legal Issues, Pastoral Theology, TEC Conflicts, TEC Parishes, TEC Polity & Canons, Theology

One comment on “Upper South Carolina Bishop clears way for Trinity to end relationship with Dean Linder

  1. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    Does anyone note the self-serving inconsistency when the clergy(in this case, a dean) is gagged, yet this vestry and bishop are free to tell the congregation any fractured fairy tale they choose? And the man at the center has no way to defend himself–how convenient for the other wranglers.

    Some people’s definition of the Kingdom of God is truly questionable.

    I pray there is some redemption in a generous financial settlement for Dean Linder.

    The bishop gives the appearance of having looked before he leapt, and is now trying valiantly to clean all the egg off his face. I wish him luck with that.

    In the corporate world and military, leaders are(usually–I won’t deny politics) selected based on merit and track record–perhaps a better milieu than “popular vote”.

    Prayers for all concerned, especially the Linder family. Does the Inquisition care how hard it is for the Linder kids to watch their Dad under fire? I’m just a peon living in another state, but *I* care.