Don’t get me wrong ”“ I think that it’s great that the Pope’s coming here, and that the Church of England is engaging with his visit in a constructive manner. But I haven’t heard anyone take the opportunity ”“ at a time when religion’s profile has suddenly soared ”“ to state the basic Protestant case: that faith is, in essence, a matter of active and personal choice, the result of an individual contract with God rather than something mediated through the authority of the Church in Rome.
[blockquote]a matter of active and personal choice, the result of an individual contract with God rather than something mediated through the authority of the Church in Rome.[/blockquote]
I don’t recognize Catholicism or Anglicanism in either of those descriptions.
“… an individual contract with God… .” Perhaps this fellow could benefit from going to church more often then just Christmas and Easter.
Mr. Colville is, I believe, looking for some reason d’être from the leadership of the Established Church to which he belongs; but sadly that leadership have long-since abandoned the very Principles for which it was established. This is really a Church which has given up and cried uncle or in this case il Papa.
Very witty RMBruton, but it is “raison d’etre”!