With Muslim Brotherhood Set to Join Egypt Protests, Religion’s Role May Grow

Demonstrators in Egypt have protested against rising prices and stagnant incomes, for greater freedom and against police brutality. But religion, so often a powerful mobilizing force here, has so far played little role.

That may be about to change.

With organizers calling for demonstrations after Friday prayer, the political movement will literally be taken to the doorsteps of the nation’s mosques. And as the Egyptian government and security services brace for the expected wave of mass demonstrations, Islamic groups seem poised to emerge as wildcards in the growing political movement.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Egypt, Islam, Middle East, Other Faiths, Politics in General, Religion & Culture

One comment on “With Muslim Brotherhood Set to Join Egypt Protests, Religion’s Role May Grow

  1. Confessor says:

    Dear Holy Father,
    Please intervene in the battle between good and evil in Egypt and everywhere on this earth that the enemy is opposing Your Way of Salvation and Holy Truth, Love and Life.
    Shine the true light of Your holy face and countenance into this conflict to expose evil and overcome Your enemies.
    Intervene by showing the way to the victory over sin and death that has been bought for humanity by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
    Speak the Word that will heal, deliver and transform…that will break hardened hearts and bring souls to repentance and godly sorrow and restore the only true reconciliation and peace that comes through reconciliation to You and peace with You.
    There is no hope, no peace and no real joy but in You.
    There is no way of Life but the One Way that You have ordained. Grant us all the wisdom to come to You and to want and will and do what You desire.
    In the Name of Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ that is above every other name, Amen