Answers to this Morning's Episcopal Church Statistics Quiz

What are:

–the number of domestic (USA) TEC parishes? 6,895

–the median membership of said parishes? 160

–the median attendance of said parishes? 66

We actually had a blog thread on it–read it once again.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, TEC Data, TEC Parishes

8 comments on “Answers to this Morning's Episcopal Church Statistics Quiz

  1. Statmann says:

    The following stats for TEC (USA) for 2002 through 2009 are revealing: Number of churches down 5.6 percent, Plate & Pledge (inflation adjusted) down 12.1 percent, Members down 13.5 percent, ASA down 19.3 percent, Infant Baptisms down 31.7 percent, and Marriages down 38.0 percent. The PB of TEC often mentions the small amount of churches lost. Less and less (if at all) is mentioned as one goes down the list. Statmann

  2. robroy says:

    I had just cited these figures on a thread at Stand Firm, hence I didn’t feel that I could give my “guesses”.

    The surprising thing is that the TEClub “only” lost 69 parishes last year. There are quite a few that must be just hanging on. As I said on the SF thread, there are ~270 parishes with an ASA of 10 or less and even worse, ~120 parishes with 10 or fewer members. These parishes must be burning through endowments.

  3. robroy says:

    Also, I just noted that the breakdown on parish Plate and Pledge numbers is not given – just totals. For example, it would be interesting what the median parish giving is. If it is less than $100,000, then that would say that over half of the parishes are not self sustaining. Herr Doktor Statmann, what is the usual figure for P&P parish giving for sustainability? I guess the answer depends on if they are the traditional, at least one full time clergy or the new thang, part time female clergy who are second career and have spouses (probably should say “partners” in the TEClub) supporting them. Also, Herr Doktor Statmann, what is your guess for median parish P&P?

  4. David Keller says:

    Median means the 1/2 way point not an average; so that menas that 1/2 of our congregations have ASA of 66 or less and the other 1/2 have 66 or more. I’m not sure that statistic really tells me anything. My gut tells me the 1/2 with ASA over 66 are likely in the 67 to 100 category. But it is very clear that TEC is collapsing in on itself. If 3448 of our congregation have that small an ASA, and the average Episocplaian is now 58 years old, we really can’t sustain much longer.

  5. Statmann says:

    Hi Robroy: I have been using $150K for a prriest, diocese assessment, utililities, and some secretarial and organist help. I believe I stole the figure from someone. And bloggers seem well satisfied using that figure. No doubt high in some places and low in others. Statmann

  6. Statmann says:

    Hi again Robroy: My guesstimate for median Plate & Pledge would be $124,608. I used the average P & P per ASA ($1,888) times 66. So I would use $125K for ease of expression. Makes sense as the odds for a parish with ASA of 66 or less having P & P of $150K or more is about one chance in fifty. Statmann

  7. Statmann says:

    Hi again Robroy: For your excellent question as to the few TEC churches being closed each year. My guesses are that there are hardy small groups that just won’t give up. And bishops don’t object as long as they pay the bills, cut the grass, etc. And if the parish closes, then the costs fall on the bishop and he/she gets nasty calls from neighbors that windows are broken and the grass is too tall, etc. And often these small churches have old buildings in the rural areas with little value and even less chance for sale. And maybe it is just prelate pride: I have a big job because I have all these churches , etc. I am sure that you can add to the list. Oh, and it provides TEC with an easy stat with which to minimize the effects of ACNA, AMIA, etc. Statmann

  8. lostdesert says:

    Your $150k figure seems right. I can say that the parish I left a year ago is found on the church nat’l resource list. This list is where priests can see openings, dio by dio with brief description: P&P, ASA, salary, housing, sentence regarding parish “health”. This parish is almost bragged about by the diocesan office as a big budget rural church – at $150k. The assessment of healthy is all about the view of socialism and gay rights; which side you are on as a parish will get you a figurative check plus or a check minus from the “dispatcher” at the dio office. Their numbers should be down by at least one from the previous year.