Rector and Vestry Resign at Saint John's in Moultrie, Georgia

From here:

On Sunday, July 29, the Rev. Will McQueen resigned as Rector of St. John’s, Moultrie. That evening, all seven members of the vestry resigned. They worked out an orderly transition of the property back to the Diocese of Georgia. Bishop Benhase accepted the resignations and has named the Rev. Walter Hobgood as Vicar.

Also, you may find the parish website there.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, --Gen. Con. 2012, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, Parish Ministry, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Georgia, TEC Parishes, Theology

9 comments on “Rector and Vestry Resign at Saint John's in Moultrie, Georgia

  1. Milton Finch says:

    Probably just the beginning. How large is this church?

  2. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Benhase the fence sitter and property collector. Hope he can juggle the books ’til all those gay Georgians converge on TEc for “blessings”. He probably needs to fix a diocesan-wide rate. Something along the 19% asking like the GC, except to be sure and include every participant’s tux or dress or jeans and all the invitees new hat costs and such.

  3. Undergroundpewster says:

    It looks like less than 40 members. If all the vestry resigned, then the new vicar won’t have a very big crowd at the meet and greet.

  4. Matthew A (formerly mousestalker) says:

    One of the vestryman is Saxby Chambliss. There is a US senator for Georgia whose name is Saxby Chambliss.

  5. MichaelA says:

    According to another article they are going to establish a new congregation. They haven’t said whether this will be with ACNA or another body, and I suppose at this stage it doesn’t matter.

    It wouldn’t surprise if some members who have recently left the congregation return, once they know it is committed to orthodoxy.

  6. Cranmerian says:

    St. Mark’s Anglican is a mission/parish in formation in the Anglican Diocese of the South in ACNA. We are a small in number, but mighty group of believers who are grateful for the opportunity to stand for the historic Christian faith, worshiping in the Anglican tradition. We are a 1928 BCP parish that will be meeting in the chapel at Trinity Baptist Church in Moultrie thanks to their generous offering of the space to us. Here is a [url=] link [/url] to the press release that should be in the print version of our local paper on Wednesday. Please pray for us as we begin this journey of faith. Thanks be to God for this opportunity.

    Fr. Will McQueen
    St. Mark’s Anglican Church

  7. clarin says:

    #3: I imagine this is indeed Senator Chambliss, who lives in Moultrie and is the son of an Episcoplaian priest – and a strong pro-lifer.

  8. Sarah says:

    We’re rooting for you, St. Mark’s, Moultrie!


    A Gospel-Believing Episcopalian [and there are a whole lot more of us who are too]

  9. sophy0075 says:

    Prayers for you and your faithful congregation, Father Will, and thanks be to God for the generosity of our Baptist brethren at Trinity Baptist, for sharing their building with you!