(HealthDay News) Dad's Advice Could Be Key to Teens' Sexual Activity

The idea that fathers play a significant role in the development of their kids’ approach to sex has received some support in a new evidence review. Studies in the review suggest that adolescents have less sex if their fathers talk to them more about sexual matters.

There are caveats. The review only looked at a few studies because there’s little research into the role of fathers — as compared to mothers — when it comes to the decisions that teens make about sex. And it’s possible that some other factor could explain the apparent link between more fatherly communication and less sexual activity.

Still, the review suggests that “fathers do make a difference. It’s not just about mothers,” said lead author Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, a professor and co-director of New York University’s Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Children, Ethics / Moral Theology, Health & Medicine, Marriage & Family, Pastoral Theology, Sexuality, Teens / Youth, Theology

One comment on “(HealthDay News) Dad's Advice Could Be Key to Teens' Sexual Activity

  1. Bill Matz says:

    This is consistent with the Swiss study that found that fathers were the most significant influence on their children’s spiritual path. Amazing how Bibilical principles keep being validated.