Hoboken–A New Jersey city, Frozen in Hurricane Sandy's Aftermath

On the third day after Hurricane Sandy soaked Hoboken in several feet of water, leaving the city one of the most crippled in the region, those with the least found themselves suspended in the storm’s cold, dark aftermath. Late this week, Hoboken started to hum with generators and a taco truck.

The projects where [Grace] Rodriguez and her daughter, Jayleen Avalos, lived were still at the bottom of the world. The 25 or so buildings operated by the Hoboken Housing Authority were clustered together on 17 acres at the city’s southern edge. They were hemmed in by gentrification on one side ”” $600,000 lofts with same-day shirt service dry cleaners ”” and a steel fence in the back. Two feet of floodwater created a moat around the buildings. The National Guard brought water and MREs. The Red Cross brought bologna-and-cheese sandwiches.

But the one commodity residents were starved for was information, and the absence of it deepened their sense of isolation. The city government used social media to update citizens. Grace Rodriguez would have appreciated a bullhorn.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, Children, City Government, Economy, Marriage & Family, Media, Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, etc., Personal Finance, Politics in General, State Government, The U.S. Government