(Sunday Telegraph) Anglican vicars threaten to defy same-sex marriage ban

Leading Anglican campaigners have warned that Government plans to exempt the Church from the new legislation will lead to hundreds of homosexual clergy and worshippers marrying in Quaker and Unitarian services and then returning to the Church.

In a letter to The Sunday Telegraph, dozens of clergy, including Lord Harries, the former Bishop of Oxford, today urge homosexual Anglicans to follow this course of action.
“Until the Church of England allows us to solemnise same-sex marriages in our churches, as a matter of pastoral expediency we will counsel lesbian and gay members of our congregations to marry in those churches willing to celebrate faithful same-sex relationships,” the letter, which is also signed by scores of lay members of the Church, states.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, --Civil Unions & Partnerships, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Religion & Culture, Sexuality

2 comments on “(Sunday Telegraph) Anglican vicars threaten to defy same-sex marriage ban

  1. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Giles should go ahead and do it it he has “a cause worth going to prison for” – but I will not be holding my breath until he puts feets to his rhetoric.

    1000 Anglicans represented and 30 million in the country. This is so representative: 1000/30,000,000. And they threaten to hold the CoE to their standards rather than the Gospel. Congratulations Rowan and Lord Carey and TEc.

  2. MichaelA says:

    Yes, I am still trying to work out where the threat is. They will go publicly to Quaker churches and get married – really?

    But this does emphasise the foolishness of Prime Minister Cameron in trying to legislate for gay “marriage”. He continues to damage the standing of his party in the eyes of voters over unnecessary issues – and its not as though he managed to win a majority in his own right at the last election anyway.