Tim Brister–Dying Regrets and New Year Reflections

Earlier this year, The Guardian reported about Bonnie Ware, a palliative nurse, who had spent 12 years documenting the last words and dying regrets of those under her care (which eventually resulted in a book). Ware said that people at the end of their lives have “phenomenal clarity of vision,” and therefore we should consider what we might learn from their wisdom.

Ware listed the top 5 regrets (most commonly mentioned) of those on their deathbed. At the end of each regret listed by Bonnie Ware, I share a prayerful reflection about this upcoming New Year.

Read it all prayerfully and carefully.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, Aging / the Elderly, Death / Burial / Funerals, Parish Ministry, Pastoral Theology, Theology