Moved by multiple deaths, pastor orders men to see doctors

After the fourth death in a week, Keith Troy decided enough was enough.

Midway through Sunday services on Nov. 25, he looked out at his congregation and made an announcement.

Would all the men please rise.

Would the deacons and associate ministers please assemble in the aisles with paper and pencil.

Would every man write down his name and a phone number where he could be reached.

Too many church men were dying of preventable illnesses related to poor health, Troy told the stunned congregation at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, a predominantly black church of about 4,500 members, including about 900 men.

So their pastor of 24 years issued a simple order: every man in the congregation will see a doctor in the next three months. If they can’t afford it, the church will help pay. If transportation is a problem, someone from the church will drive them.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Baptists, Health & Medicine, Other Churches, Parish Ministry

6 comments on “Moved by multiple deaths, pastor orders men to see doctors

  1. Reactionary says:

    [blockquote]a predominantly black church of about [b]4,500 members[/b], including about [b]900 men[/b].[/blockquote]


  2. Bob Livingston says:

    God bless Pastor Troy for his blunt and bold order. It will save lives.


  3. small "c" catholic says:

    Reactionary, don’t be so reactionary 😉 “4500 members” could easily mean men, women and children attending this church–making 900 a reasonable number of men. Reporters aren’t always tuned into the niceties of what “member” means.

  4. Reactionary says:

    I beg your pardon? 900 men to 3600 women and children is an appalling statistic.

  5. small "c" catholic says:

    Well, given that more women than men attend church, period (not just in predominantly black churches), 900 men and (let’s posit), 1200 women and 2400 children hardly seems appalling. Am I missing something?

  6. Reactionary says:

    Hmm. Maybe you’re right. It did leap out at me though.