Cal Thomas on the Bishop Nazir Ali Comments–Segregation: Muslim style

Multiculturalism, globalism, and an emphasis on “inter-faith” (which is really inter-faithless because in this view Truth does not exist) are contributing to the decline of the West just as paganism, hedonism and greed undermined past empires. Rather than learn from their mistakes, the West thinks it can engage in such practices without consequence.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has expressed concern about the loss of “Britishness” and the failure to learn English and embrace the national heritage. But unless he does something to slow, even reverse Muslim immigration, Britain, as we’ve known it, will be lost and radical Islam will remake Britain in its own image.

As Bishop Nazir-Ali writes, “But none of this will be of any avail if Britain does not recover that vision of its destiny which made it great. That has to do with the Bible’s teaching that we have equal dignity and freedom because we are all made in G-d’s image.”

The segregationists didn’t believe that at one time in America and the Muslim segregationists in Britain don’t believe it now.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops, England / UK, Islam, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

One comment on “Cal Thomas on the Bishop Nazir Ali Comments–Segregation: Muslim style

  1. Reactionary says:

    It is a bit disingenuous to tar the Muslims with this brush since, in essence, we are criticizing them for failing to adopt Anglo-Saxon Christian culture. They are neither Anglo-Saxon nor Christian and they will no more conform to the dominant culture than I would go native in Saudi Arabia.

    Or, if you like, they are being criticized for failing to embrace a relativistic, secular culture that most of us want no part of either. Do the globalists really believe that people are interchangeable cogs who can be popped in and out of their lands according to the whims of business and government with no consequence or cost?

    Bottom line, if you don’t like their ways then don’t let them in your country.