(Her.meneutics) Enuma Okoro–It's Inevitable: We're Human, We're Christian, and We're Lonely

In the Christian tradition, we have a certain understanding that loneliness is inevitable and part of the human condition. We’re created for complete union with God, but unable to fully consummate that union this side of God’s Kingdom. There is an Augustinian element of truth from which we cannot escape no matter how much intimacy we do cultivate. Still, that doesn’t seem like a sufficient response for our loneliness predicament. If anything, it’s an invitation for Christians to communicate more openly about the challenges of the loneliness we are all bound to experience at various seasons of our lives.

In our age of social media, when new “friends” are a click away on Facebook and Twitter users actively form real-time communities around everything from favorite TV shows to breaking political news, we can easily be led to think that loneliness is an outdated phenomenon. But it is not.

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