For St. Tikhon's Feast Day–Terry Mattingly: Walking in St. Tikhon's footsteps

Early in the 20th century, some Orthodox leaders were willing to accept the “validity of Anglican orders,” meaning they believed that Anglican clergy were truly priests and bishops in the ancient, traditional meanings of those words.

“It fell apart. It fell apart on the Anglican side, with the affirmation more of a Protestant identity than a Catholic identity,” said Jonah, at the inaugural assembly of the Anglican Church in North America, held in Bedford, Texas.

“We need to pick up where they left off. The question has been: Does that Anglican church, which came so close to being declared by the other Orthodox churches a fellow Orthodox church, does that still exist?”

A voice in the crowd shouted, “It does!”

“Here, it does,” agreed Jonah, stressing the word “here.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Church History, Episcopal Church (TEC), Orthodox Church, Other Churches, TEC Bishops