Thinking Anglicans Gathers Material from the PB's South Carolina Visit

In case you missed anything.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Episcopal Church (TEC), Presiding Bishop

6 comments on “Thinking Anglicans Gathers Material from the PB's South Carolina Visit

  1. libraryjim says:

    I thought this a perplexing comment from one of the links:

    [i]In spite of its beauty, St. Philip’s proved to be an inhospitable and inappropriate location for the Diocese to welcome the Episcopal Church’s only superstar, particularly since there were other more welcoming parishes that had asked to host her. [/i]

    Superstar??? KJS??? Is that an appropriate term?

    Jim Elliott <><

  2. libraryjim says:

    Oh, by the way, that quote was from the website South Carolina Episcopalians, and was quite biased towards KJS and against the diocesean representatives, IMO.


  3. Florida Anglican [Support Israel] says:

    I tried to listen, I really did. Loved Bp. Lawrence’s opening statement. Could only stomach a few minutes of KJS’s opening statement. Wish I had the fortitude to listen to all of it.

  4. azusa says:

    Yet not a word anywhere on Thinking Anglican’s website about Bishop Paul Moore of New York. Strange.

  5. Pb says:

    This blog demonstrates the division for anyone with eyes to see. Is anyone tired of skeptics operating under the name of “Thinking” with the implication that anyone who disagrees is stupid? This assumption was all through the comments.

  6. Pb says:

    I forgot to add that the Holy Spirit is doing a new thing which is consistent with scripture. It started at the Azusa Street Mission ca. 1904 and not GC 2003. 100 hundred years later 500,000,000 folks have been a part of it. Required reading should be The Century of the Holy Spirit by Vinson Synan.