On the matter of Rumors, or, once more with Feeling: Please don't believe everything you read

Since we are quickly approaching all-Lambeth-all-the-time mode, and since there were two notable rumors just having to do (broadly speaking) with American participation in Lambeth today (one being the item immediately below this one and the other spoken to by Jim Naughton on Episcopal Cafe) can I please remind everyone that when you come across information like this anywhere (and, yes, that includes this site) you learn to check it with at least three reliable witnesses before considering it true–thanks, KSH.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Ethics / Moral Theology, Lambeth 2008, Theology

12 comments on “On the matter of Rumors, or, once more with Feeling: Please don't believe everything you read

  1. Susan Russell says:

    Thanks for posting this, Kendall. Timely reminder!

  2. Kendall Harmon says:

    Thanks, Susan, it should be an interesting next two and a half weeks.

  3. teatime says:

    Canon Harmon,
    From reading the linked Episcopal Cafe blog item, I guess it isn’t just a rumor, then, that the TEC bishops are ardently promoting VGR? My God, can’t they exert similar effort on behalf of other people and issues in the church? Please don’t think I’m being snarky. I’m just finding this to be very depressing.

  4. BCP28 says:

    It appears that Canon Harmon has set a higher standard than the Times of London.

  5. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Actually, it’s a higher requirement than the biblical one for two witnesses, but -hey- we know how conservatives are always reinterpreting things to make it harder on everyone………….


  6. DeeBee says:

    [blockquote]. . .learn to check it with at least three reliable witnesses before considering it true . . .[/blockquote]

    . . . and make sure that the witnesses you choose are not merely copying from the exact same source.

  7. Katherine says:

    I’d still like to see a reliable report on who that protester is. Somebody surely must have recognized him, since he was on television all over the UK.

  8. Observing says:

    #7 There was some speculation he was a plant:
    But in the comments here he sounds legitimate:

    But if you read the comments sections from all the papers covering the story, most Brits seem rather offended by Robinson coming into England and trashing their Archbishop and trying to ruin their church – pretty much the same comments that were given about the GAFCON folks. So if anything, the Robinson tour is having the opposite of its indended effect.

  9. Kendall Harmon says:

    In response to number 5, can I note that the biblical standard is actually 2 or 3 witnesses (Hebrews 10:28 for example), and I think we need to err on the side of the latter in our time and context.

  10. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Kendall, I note that your note is correct – technically. But the minimal standard was two and I was thinking of the Apocalyptist’s two. If two were sufficient for the endtimes…..:>) !!!

  11. Christopher Johnson says:

    Schofield’s bishop, Gregory Venables has just stated that Schofield has been talked into withdrawing from the Lambeth Conference “has elected to decline the invitation to the Lambeth Conference issued to him last year.” Whoops.

  12. dwstroudmd+ says:

    One further point needs clarification now, I believe. Is it a rumour if the ABC says something once, it drops out of sight and mind for months, and then magically reappears as a reason again for some arcanity or other, or must we get the ABC to say the say thing in the same words two or three times to validate them?

    Two is going to be tough given the ABC’s prolixity – possibly comparable to Jesus’ accusers before the Sanhedrin; three, damnedly impossible, I wager.