Denver Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies

Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the “most committed” abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a “disservice to the church.”

Chaput, one of the nation’s most politically outspoken Catholic prelates, delivered the remarks Friday night at a dinner of a Catholic women’s group.

His comments were among the sharpest in a debate over abortion and Catholic political responsibility in a campaign in which Catholics represent a key swing vote.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Life Ethics, Other Churches, Politics in General, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, US Presidential Election 2008

6 comments on “Denver Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies

  1. Br. Michael says:

    Well, he’s right.

  2. Chris says:

    the intellectually tortorous arguments that Kmiec is making, it just makes your head spin:

    “Democratic efforts to tackle social and economic factors that contribute to abortion hold more promise, Kmiec said, than Republican efforts to criminalize it.”

    We’ve had an ever expanding welfare state over the last 50 years and that has done little, if anything, to reduce abortion. I guess the answer is, we just need more governement!

    Kmiec must have missed Obama’s comment that abortion needs to be legal because he wouldn’t want his kids “punished” if they had an unwanted pregnancy and were forced to give birth. Excuse me I need to throw up…..

  3. Branford says:

    For anyone who hasn’t read it already, Render Unto Caesar by Archbishop Chaput is excellent!

  4. COLUMCIL says:

    Me, too, Chris!

  5. Spiro says:

    Preaching on the Gospel Reading (Matthew 22:15-22) yesterday, I drew attention to Christian responsibilities on voting in an election year, such as this, and on other civic duties and responsibilities. I had not read “Render Unto Caesar”, but I sure the good bishop is on target as I would expect.

  6. azusa says:

    Chaput is indisputably right.
    So why are so many professing Catholic pols – Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy etc – so pro-abortion?
    Why haven’t they been excommunicated?