Tough Times Strain Colleges Rich and Poor

Arizona State University, anticipating at least $25 million in budget cuts this fiscal year ”” on top of the $30 million already cut ”” is ending its contracts with as many as 200 adjunct instructors.

Boston University, Cornell and Brown have announced selective hiring freezes.

And Tufts University, which for the last two years has, proudly, been one of the few colleges in the nation that could afford to be need-blind ”” that is, to admit the best-qualified applicants and meet their full financial need ”” may not be able to maintain that generosity for next year’s incoming class. This fall, Tufts suspended new capital projects and budgeted more for financial aid. But with the market downturn, and the likelihood that more applicants will need bigger aid packages, need-blind admissions may go by the wayside.

“The target of being need-blind is our highest priority,” said Lawrence S. Bacow, president of Tufts. “But with what’s happening in the larger economy, we expect that the incoming class is going to be needier. That’s the real uncertainty.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Economy, Education, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

One comment on “Tough Times Strain Colleges Rich and Poor

  1. libraryjim says:

    First County Governments started instituting lay-offs and hiring freezes. Now Colleges and Universities are freezing positions as well. I received this message this week:

    [blockquote]RE; Catalog position, X University,
    Thank you for your interest in our position. I regret to inform you that due to the current budget situation, we are not going to proceed with filling the position at this time. Sincerely,[/blockquote]

    Nope, Not a good time for successful job hunting!