ENI: Global Lutheran leader challenges churches on women's ordination

The 70-million strong Lutheran World Federation has struggled to live up to its own vision of inclusiveness regarding the role of women, the general secretary of the church grouping, the Rev. Ishmael Noko, has told LWF members.

“Equitable participation in God’s mission is the hallmark of an inclusive communion. Member churches are therefore urged to take appropriate steps towards the ordination of women, and, where it is not the case, to put in place policies of equality,” Noko said in his address to the LWF’s highest governing body on 21 July in Stuttgart, Germany.

Noko, who is set to retire from his position in November after 16 years, was delivering his report to the Lutheran grouping’s 11th assembly, taking place from 20 to 27 July.

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Globalization, Lutheran, Ministry of the Ordained, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Women

4 comments on “ENI: Global Lutheran leader challenges churches on women's ordination

  1. Barbara Gauthier says:

    [i] “We are called to be an inclusive communion,” said Noko, a Zimbabwean educated in South Africa and Canada. “Without living that calling, we cannot be effective witnesses for justice and inclusiveness in our societies.” [/i]

    One is tempted to wonder whatever happened to being witnesses for Jesus Christ in our societies.

  2. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Barbara (#1),

    Agreed, sister. It’s always a pleasure to see you posting here. I was delighted to hear that Fr. Kevin Miller will soon be joining the staff of your marvelous church fulltime.

    The sad thing here is that historically, Lutherans have been second to none in standing firmly and uncompromisingly for the true gospel and doctrinal integrity at all costs. Alas, no more. For just like the ELCA, it appears that the LWF (like the WCC) has become so confused about what the gospel message really is that it’s being equated with the secular, relativist, antinomian “gospel of inclusivity” that is not the authentic biblical gospel at all.

    Martin Luther, call your office!!

    David Handy+

  3. Rod L Ronneberg STS says:

    It’s very sad seeing the agenda[s] of the ELCA invading the biblical and gospel witness of LWF. Pr. Handy is right on about the antinomian nature of inclusivity. And it’s sadly true that my ELCA – and its leaders – don’t have a clue anymore about the proper distinction between law and gospel. So … we watch and pray …
    Rod L. Ronneberg, STS+

  4. Cranmerian says:

    We treat all people equally, just some people more equally than others. Geez.