(Christian Century) Ronald A. Wells–Episcopal future: Is Anglican reconciliation possible?

The Episcopal Church in the United States (EC), like other denominations, has been in crisis over human sexuality. What is different for the EC is that it faces, in its debates, the question of whether or not its vocation is to be an American Protestant denomination or to be part of the worldwide Anglican Communion in which national particularity is submerged for the sake of common witness.

In June 2010 EC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a pastoral letter that was a direct challenge to the archbishop of Canterbury and by extension to the Anglican Communion, of which Archbishop Rowan Williams is at least titular head. At stake is whether or not his headship can, or ought, to be more than titular; and if so, what would that mean?…

In truth, some EC leaders (some bishops, cathedral deans and theology professors) have in recent years largely eschewed the heavy lifting of systematic and moral theology, preferring the more applied genres in which the key matters turn toward the psychological, therapeutic and pastoral, as well as toward calls for social justice. A few years ago a book was published with the title The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, which said that the evangelical movement in the U.S. had not so much forgotten how to think, but that it was intended to do without deep thinking. If there were a new book, “The Scandal of the Episcopal Mind,” the conclusions might be disarmingly similar. The rise to prominence of liberal theology in the EC came along with disinclination toward theological depth, as well as a desire to ally the denomination with the more “progressive” American denominations. As one senior bishop told me, in choosing “justice” as the talisman for all actions and featuring inclusiveness as the badge of this new orthodoxy, the EC had taken a thin slice of theology””and of justice.

Read it all (requires subscription).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, - Anglican: Analysis, America/U.S.A., Archbishop of Canterbury, Episcopal Church (TEC), Globalization, Instruments of Unity, Presiding Bishop, Religion & Culture, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops

6 comments on “(Christian Century) Ronald A. Wells–Episcopal future: Is Anglican reconciliation possible?

  1. Sarah says:

    RE: “In truth, some EC leaders (some bishops, cathedral deans and theology professors) have in recent years largely eschewed the heavy lifting of systematic and moral theology . . . ”

    Why, what on earth is the man talking about???!!!???

    Clearly they do not “eschew” heavy lifting in systematic theology. Why — what does he think To Set Our Hope On Christ is??? Chopped Liver?

    Has he even read this eminent example of Episcopal Heavy Lifting in Systematic Theology???

  2. A Senior Priest says:

    The answer to the headline is, No.

  3. Terry Tee says:

    Could the elves ask Christian Century if they would release this article? Sometimes publications are willing to do that.

  4. Undergroundpewster says:

    “The Scandal of the Episcopal Mind,” now that would certainly make the best seller list. The problem is that the thesis would fall apart as soon as the author tried to determine if there was or was not an “Episcopal mind.” His research would first turn up numerous references to “not being of one mind.” Then, the author would try to interview the “Episcopal mind” and would come up against the old “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘scandal’ is” argument. Finally, as our hapless author was being carried away to the funny farm, he would see the sign over the doorway to the mental institution which reads, “The Episcopal church Welcomes You.”

  5. lostdesert says:

    #2 – That is right, the answer is no. No reconciliation. Will the last one out the door, please turn out the lights.

    Goodbye TEC, dear friend.

  6. Cennydd13 says:

    [b]Agreed! The answer is NO![/b]