Cafe at New Orleans' St. George Episcopal Church helps feed the hungry

The café was started after Hurricane Katrina to feed those without kitchens, said the Rev. Jim Quigley, pastor of St. George’s.

Soon, it was serving up to 10,000 meals a year ”” mostly on Thursday and Friday nights ”” but as funding dried up, the church cut back to one day a week.

Quigley said St. George’s opted to make that meal breakfast, to give those in need a hearty start to their day.

“No one leaves hungry,” he said. “They can stay for seconds as well, and we treat everyone with dignity and respect.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, Dieting/Food/Nutrition, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, Poverty, TEC Parishes

2 comments on “Cafe at New Orleans' St. George Episcopal Church helps feed the hungry

  1. HowardRGiles+ says:

    I worshipped at St. George’s for a year while completing a CPE residency. The undercroft parish hall will remain one of my favorite places in the Episcopal Church. Good people. Good music. Good food.
    Howard Giles+

  2. Statmann says:

    They keep on doing good works despite having had a really tough time during 2002 through 2009 with Members down 40 percent, ASA down 33 percent, and adjusted for inflation Plate & Pledge down nearly 50 percent. A truly plucky group. Statmann