(Living Church) Making Disciples with Depth and Breadth

How can the Christian Church, and more specifically Anglican churches, best make disciples in the 21st century through catechesis? That topic was the subject of the second Ancient Wisdom””Anglican Futures conference June 16-18 at Trinity School for Ministry.

“We need much more depth and breadth in the way we think of making disciples,” Philip Harrold, associate professor of Church history at Trinity, told The Living Church. “We need to rediscover ancient ways of reading Scriptures from the Fathers and the Reformers, and also the revivalists. We need to recover new ways of being the body of Christ formed around that Scripture.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Church History, Evangelism and Church Growth, Parish Ministry, Pastoral Theology, Seminary / Theological Education, Soteriology, Theology

2 comments on “(Living Church) Making Disciples with Depth and Breadth

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    I found the talks now available online fascinating, particularly the first two by RC Dr William Harmless on catechesis in the early church of Augustine of Hippo. Thanks to Trinity for putting them up.

  2. Pb says:

    We need to become disciples who make disciples. We still teach children and play with adults in much of what passes for Christian education. TEC is embarrassed by the bible and has no way of presenting it as the word of God. The whole house is built on sand.