C of E warned of split if it relaxes teaching on same sex relationships

The Church of England has opened the door for a more liberal approach to same-sex relationships.

It will review whether current teaching on homosexuality should be relaxed and also rule on allowing gay clergy in civil partnerships to be bishops.

Leading conservatives warned that the Church would split if the bishops attempt to weaken its policy that active same-sex relationships are wrong.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, --Civil Unions & Partnerships, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops, Ecclesiology, Ethics / Moral Theology, Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Pastoral Theology, Religion & Culture, Sexuality, Theology

6 comments on “C of E warned of split if it relaxes teaching on same sex relationships

  1. mari says:

    The ABoC doesn’t care about a split, in fact, I’m willing to admit that I believe Rowan Williams and his leftist minions do want a split. They’ve just been holding their cards close to their vests, whilst weakening and undermining the church. They’ve pushed some orthodox out, into the Catholic church, they’ve slowily been alienating Anglicans around the world, while doing all they can to seed divisions various countries. What they seem to be shooting for is to cause as much destruction as possible, so as to create a situation where they can drop their bomb of liberalization of the church’s teachings, things are so splintered, that won’t have much blowback onto them. I do seriously believe Williams was appointed to preside over the end of the Church of England, and the Anglican communion as a whole. He and his fellow parasites have been busy fattening themselves at the church’s expense. He has not been consistent or faithful in any way to Christ’s teachings. Even when he talks about poverty, he hasn’t walked the walk on the subject, and turns a blind eye to the dire poverty created by his own advocacy.

  2. Brian from T19 says:

    Oh no! Not a split! It’s like the dire warning of splits over female bishops or…well, all the other dire warning 😉

  3. Sarah says:

    I have to agree with Brian — it’s clear the lib activists don’t care about the lost millions of gold sovereigns or the lost thousands of people. Heh — look at TEC!

    Nor are they particularly concerned about health, functionality, or even viability of the institution, as long as the facade of the institution is in place to carry their ideas further into society.

    The point is . . . the institution doesn’t have to ultimately survive. Just survive long enough to “carry the freight.”

  4. robroy says:

    “It’s like the dire warning of splits over female bishops or…well, all the other dire warning”

    Right. Those alarmists are at it again. We shouldn’t listen to them. It’s not like the anglo-catholics are going to leave the CoE. Wait. They already are? Well, at least the Evangelicals aren’t going to jump. What? Border crossing are starting in jolly old England for the Evangelicals ([url=http://www.churchtimes.co.uk/content.asp?id=115024 ]Group names five bishops ready to defy diocesans[/url])?…Well, maybe those alarmists have a point.

    When the host organism frees itself from the parasite, the parasite dies.

  5. MichaelA says:

    Brian from T19 wrote:
    [blockquote] “Oh no! Not a split! It’s like the dire warning of splits over female bishops or…well, all the other dire warning” [/blockquote]
    Well put Brian – the warnings have indeed come true:

    Clear warnings from the USA have all come to pass:
    * new rival entities springing up and growing exponentially;
    * parishioners leaving in droves;
    * congregations being closed on a regular basis, and no new ones being formed;
    * money at diocesan and provincial level running out;
    * orthodox parishes and dioceses that remain in the established church withholding funds and other support.

    Now the same process is gathering pace in England. Many have already left for other churches; many who remain withhold funds and more will do so; alternative oversight is being arranged for both anglo catholics and evangelicals; money is running short.

    The liberals in CofE behave like naughty children, just like the liberals in TEC and ACiC – the orthodox have been very gracious to them, extending warning after warning, and exercising forebearance. Yet the liberals just tell themselves that this shows that nothing will happen if they keep going down their road of despising the commands of scripture and the traditions of the church. What fools.

  6. mari says:

    My comment was directed to the ABoC’s intent in England, where the CoE is the state religion. I truly believe the ABoC doesn’t give a fig about the fate of the world wide Anglican Communion, he’s shown his disrespect and disinterest rather plainly. The man is a fraud and a hypocrite, a wolf in sheep’s clothing put in place to serve that purpose… which is to provide over the weakening, the destabilization and eradication of the CoE as the state religion of England. Our faith means everything to us, but to Rowan Willians, we mean very little. Any pretense he made in the past, was merely window dressing. The game he is playing is directed towards one specific goal in mind, the elimination of the CoE as the Church of England, the state religion. All the various bits and pieces he’s throwing at the Church, the women bishops, the active homosexual clergy and now prospective bishops, aren’t because he truly believes in their necessity, in fact I don’t believe Williams actually s a Christian, rather he’s been playing one for personal and political profit. Williams is throwing women bishops, active homosexual priests and bishops at the Church in England, because he knows they will act as a destabilization in the Church, they will divide and provide a church in disarray, facilitating the excuse that the CoE is no longer populated enough to justify it being the ‘Church of England’, a state religion.

    This is about what is being done to Anglicans in England, what will happen there. There is no strong movement over there, from what I read and hear, the way there is here. In fact, leftists are also seriously at work in the Catholic church there to do as much to that faith. I know there are some Anglicans who believe that the CoE should split from the state, but at this time, it’s not a good idea, because there are the same leftists at work, who whether deliberately or in their own ignorance, will help provide a niche opening for sharia to gain a foothold. It’s necessary for England to have the Church of England as the state religion that can’t change, we can’t allow the left to have their Pyrrhic victory in this, because it would do harm to the innocent citizens, including the innocent Christian and Jewish citizens of England.