England is also the scene of a vigorous dispute over euthanasia. In June the BBC broadcast a documentary made by author Terry Pratchett. He suffers from Alzheimer’s disease and has been campaigning for a change in the law regarding assisted suicide….
The program comes at a time when a privately sponsored commission — the Commission on Assisted Dying — is holding an inquiry into assisted suicide.
It is headed by a former lord chancellor, Lord Falconer. Funding comes from Terry Pratchett and businessman Bernard Lewis, the Guardian newspaper reported last Nov. 30.
Critics have pointed out that it is hardly likely to be impartial, given Pratchett’s involvement as an active campaigner in favor of assisted suicide….
[blockquote]”Seriously ill people do not need euthanasia,” said Nicholas Tonti-Filippini in an article published July 5 in Australia’s Age newspaper. [b]What people need is better palliative care[/b], he said.[/blockquote]
People already have a great deal of control about how they die if they take the time to educate themselves beforehand. In some states there are issues regarding access to strong pain medications. Not sure what the situation is in the UK that makes euthanasia such a hot topic but it makes me uncomfortable that most people do not seem to understand the options that are currently available.