The Episcopal Church Clergy Disciplinary Process (Title IV) from the Diocese of Atlanta website

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ethics / Moral Theology, General Convention, Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, TEC Polity & Canons, Theology

5 comments on “The Episcopal Church Clergy Disciplinary Process (Title IV) from the Diocese of Atlanta website

  1. Formerly Marion R. says:

    I know the import of this posting lies elsewhere, but I can’t help highlighting this:

    [blockquote]Clergy should not engage in any conduct unbecoming a member of the clergy, including, but not limited to:

    [b]Hold or teach any doctrine contrary to that held by The Episcopal Church[/b] [/blockquote]

    1. I didn’t think TEC had doctrine any more.

    2. If it still has doctrine, would this be doctrine?:

    [blockquote]Concerning the Catechism
    This catechism is primarily intended for use by parish priests, deacons, and lay catechists, to give an outline for instruction. It is a commentary on the creeds, but is not meant to be a complete statement of belief and practices; rather, it is a point of departure for the teacher, and it is cast in the traditional question and answer form for ease of reference.

    The second use of this catechism is to provide [b]a brief summary of the Church’s teaching[/b] for an inquiring stranger who picks up a Prayer Book. . .

    Q. What is Holy Matrimony?

    A. [b]Holy Matrimony is Christian marriage, in which the woman and man enter into a life-long union, make their vows before God and the Church[/b], and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows.[/blockquote]

    3. By the way, we also see in the linked site:

    Clergy standards of conduct

    Clergy should: . . . [b]Conform to the canons of The Episcopal Church and the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer[/b]

    Is this still a canon?:
    CANON 18: Of the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony

    Sec. 2. Before solemnizing a marriage the Member of the Clergy
    shall have ascertained: . . . (b) That both parties understand that [b]Holy Matrimony is a
    physical and spiritual union of a man and a woman[/b], entered
    into within the community of faith, by mutual consent of
    heart, mind, and will, and with intent that it be lifelong.[/blockquote]

  2. Eastern Anglican says:

    I like this one:
    [blockquote] Engage in sexual misconduct (includes sexual behavior with: a member of the congregation; employee; volunteer; person in high school; person under 18 years of age; person legally incompetent; someone with whom the clergy has ever had a pastoral relationship) [/blockquote]

    Gee, I always thought it was sex outside of marriage that was unbecoming. I guess clergy frequenting prostitutes and having one night stands with college students, as long as they don’t talk about Jesus or “spirituality”, are ok?

  3. David Keller says:

    #2–I had the exact same thought. Since we know from the Righter decision that TEC has no prohibitions or doctrine on ordination as it relates to sexual misconduct, what the heck is TEC’s doctrine on sexual misconduct? I’m not sure the Atlanta definiton could withstatnd a Title IV assault but I’m glad they think its a bad idea for priests to have sex with minors and incompetent people.

  4. Ralph says:

    The neighboring Diocese of Georgia has a diocesan canon stating, “Aspirants, postulants, and those accepted to holy orders shall accept and conform to the following standard: ‘Marriage between a man and a woman or abstinence from sexual activity are the only acceptable forms of sexual behavior for a Deacon, Priest or Bishop in the Diocese of Georgia.'”

    While the grammar of the canon is a bit fuzzy, the intent is perfectly clear.

  5. David Keller says:

    Ralph–Wait until this summer. One of the great things about TEC is it is like New England weather–if you don’t like the theology, wait a minute. Or I suppose in this case — if you DO like the theology–wait a minute.