(Fraser Coast Chronicle) Grafton priest leads the way

Clarence Valley celebrates the first Grafton woman to be accepted into the role of Archdeacon this morning as Reverend Gail Hagon of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton takes on the most senior position in the life of the church.

“While I accept my new role with honour, in some ways I’m not about hierarchical structure,” [the] Rev[.] Hagon said.

“I am passionate about what I do and what I believe in.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Church of Australia, Anglican Provinces, Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry

2 comments on “(Fraser Coast Chronicle) Grafton priest leads the way

  1. A Senior Priest says:

    I have no problem with a person’s gender, only the mindset.

  2. MichaelA says:

    Women priests were first legally permitted by the Anglican Church of Australia in 1992 (although Bishop Spong of TEC had invalidly ordained a woman to serve in Australia in 1988). More recently, women bishops have also been permitted.

    However, it is entirely up to each diocese what they do. Some will not permit women priests at all, and so far only three of the 23 dioceses have women bishops.

    But it is clear what +Slater intends to do in Grafton. Note that +Slater’s previous posting was archdeacon of Brisbane, which was the only diocese in Australia to permit Katherine Jefferts Schori a public speaking engagement on her visit to Australia in 2010.

    Grafton is a small country diocese, only 28 parishes, which tend to be struggling. It is a shame that they are used for liberal experimentation and innovation in this way, because it won’t help their ministry or mission.