World Council of Churches statement invokes new understanding of mission

The statement draws on insights from Protestant, Evangelical, Orthodox and Roman Catholic mission theologies, and will be presented at the WCC 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea in 2013.

“The significance of the statement lies in its concept of ‘mission from the margins’, which emphasizes the universality of working for all Gods’ people, as well as the creation, despite divisions and divides,” said Dr Agnes Abuom, WCC Executive Committee member from Kenya.

“The gift of the mission statement is that without attacking the old paradigm of mission values, it invokes new understandings which respond well to our different contexts, including that of migrant churches,” she added.

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Ecumenical Relations, Globalization, Missions, Other Churches, Religion & Culture

4 comments on “World Council of Churches statement invokes new understanding of mission

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    Twenty or so years ago a close friend of mine reduced me to hysterical laughter when he gravely warned me that the WCC and the NCC were front groups for the International Communist Conspiracy. I’m not laughing anymore.

  2. nephilem says:

    Completely! Look at the member Churches list. Lots of Orthodox support.

  3. nephilem says:

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  4. Ad Orientem says:

    There are quite a few Orthodox who think our membership in the WCC (and NCC) is scandalous. But I would caution against presuming that the WCC speaks for the Church. It doesn’t, through I concede the possibility for confusion on this point is both obvious and unfortunate.