Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has declared the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese of South Carolina vacant and has backed a faction within the diocese that is seeking to fill the “vacuum” created by the suspension of Bishop Mark Lawrence.
The loyalist “Transitional Committee” has also declared the South Carolina Standing Committee to be vacant and has formed a “steering committee” to act in its place….
Some appropriate descriptives would be “putsch” and “coup de etat.”
This sets a dangerous precednt in The United States of America. Acctually, it doesn’t “set a dangerous precedent” but, in fact, is a continuation of an attack on the bishop,the clergy and the laity of the Diocese of South Carolina that was started by Schori and other revisionist-progressives in The Episcopal Church.
What happens to diocese of ECUSA can also happen to other institutions, including government, in the USA.
This cannot be separated from the secular divide that is damaging our country in both culture and in politics.