(UMNS) John Elford–Jesus Versus the Zombies

Rather than focusing on zombies as campy characters in B-movies, our sermon series reimagined zombies in a more symbolic way. Zombies became the bad ideas that have popped up at various misguided moments in the church’s history and, for whatever reason, can’t seem to die off. They keep coming back and, in some cases, exert a kind of stranglehold on the life of Christians and the ministry of the church.

And the way we fight off these zombies is with better ideas ”” with good, solid theology that reflects the grace of God, the compassion of Jesus and life of the Spirit.

During our six-week series, we exhumed and battled all kinds of zombies. One Sunday morning, we focused on belief. As Christians, does it matter what we believe? Most would answer in the affirmative. But are there times in the church’s life when Christian faith has become only about believing certain things to be true? Absolutely. Many de-churched folks can trace their journeys out of their congregations to the day that they stopped believing all of the fantastical things they were being asked to believe.

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Christology, Methodist, Ministry of the Ordained, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Preaching / Homiletics, Theology

2 comments on “(UMNS) John Elford–Jesus Versus the Zombies

  1. BlueOntario says:

    The comments are worth reading, if only to see how much of the membership of the UMC has adopted U/U beliefs. Kudos to the ‘voice in the wilderness’ trying to make straight the path.

  2. BlueOntario says:

    I’d also like to add that it brings up the recently posted “Lost Interview” with JI Packer and the importance of adult catechism. http://new.kendallharmon.net/wp-content/uploads/index.php/t19/article/51889/