ACNA Leader Bill Atwood–The Anglican Communion, ACNA and TEC and the Ang Ch of Canada

Shortly after the TEC House of Bishops met in Taiwan, a group went to West Malaysia. They announced that they had heard the consecration of a new assistant bishop was about to take place and they were there to participate. Leaders in the Anglican Church in Malaysia said, “You are welcome””to our country. You cannot participate in the service however, because of the actions you have taken to tear the fabric of the communion and you remain unrepentant. We are not in Communion with you, so you cannot participate in the service.”

The visit was part of TEC’s initiative to demonstrate that they are fully part of the Communion and are in relationships with other Anglican Provinces. The tactic has been used in a number of places in Africa where they visit, are received with hospitality (because that is the culture of those people), and then take pictures to demonstrate that there are no significant issues even though there may be disagreement over things like sexuality.

In this case, the TEC plan did not work in Malaysia. The leaders in the Diocese of West Malaysia are very well informed and steadfastly faithful. Not only did they turn TEC away, they knew I was traveling in South East Asia so they sent me a message. “Can you change your travel plans to be at the consecration we are having in Kuala Lumpur? We want to demonstrate that we are not in Communion with TEC, but we are in Communion with the ACNA. If you can get here, we’d like to make your visit highly visible.”

I was able to change my itinerary and arrived in time to participate in the Consecration including the laying on of hands for Charles Samuel, consecrated as Assistant Bishop for the Panang district of the Diocese of West Malaysia.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, - Anglican: Commentary, - Anglican: Latest News, --Justin Welby, --Rowan Williams, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Archbishop of Canterbury, Ecclesiology, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ethics / Moral Theology, Instruments of Unity, Pastoral Theology, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), Theology, Theology: Scripture

5 comments on “ACNA Leader Bill Atwood–The Anglican Communion, ACNA and TEC and the Ang Ch of Canada

  1. Ralph says:

    One wonders who among the normally modest TEC bishops would have had the hubris to volunteer to come to this service. They actually WENT there without being invited?

  2. MichaelA says:

    Very encouraging news about the faithfulness of Anglican believers in West Malaysia.

    Thank you, +Attwood.

  3. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Dear fortunate third world bishop-elect

    You have won our first prize of a valuable visit from a TEC roving consecration team who will happen to be visiting your country at the time of your consecration on their way thru from their meeting at the Taipei Spa Retreat and Golf Resort.

    Among the great features you are eligible to receive with this prize visit are:
    – a celebratory dinner with our consecration team at a hotel of your choice and free overnight accomodation for you and your family
    – a free folding plastic crozier and leatherette suitcase with vestments, and a simulated wood shield recording the details of your precious day in genuine 24 carat simulated gold lettering in durable plastic and
    – a signed first edition of our Presiding Bishop’s latest book ‘My way or Yahweh? Flying by the seat of my pants’
    – a grant from Trinity Wall Street to assist you with buying a car to visit those out of the way parts of your diocese, a new computer and a fully featured website designed and maintained by our staff
    – a Tengatenga Scholarship to attend a prestigious US college of your choice with all expenses paid and a full page feature in The Living Church Magazine to tell us about your experience
    – a signed personal message of congratulations from the TEC Archbishop of Canterbury and should you give us six months notice, we can arrange for a personal visit by him to your country to see you and your Primate funded by a charity we support.

    There is no need for you to take any further action to receive your free gifts and we look forward to consecrating you.

    TEC Roving Consecration Team B

  4. Karen B. says:

    #3 ROTFLOL!
    Actually, perhaps I should coin a new acronymn:

    It WOULD be funny if it weren’t so true and so sad!

  5. Katherine says:

    Congratulations to the Diocese of West Malaysia and to Pageantmaster (#3).