Bishop James Jones: Nature can teach us how to make a profit without harming others

It seems to me that’s also near the point the Prince of Wales was making over the summer with his intervention about GM crops – it’s time we learned to work with nature as our teacher rather than against her. What’s happening at the moment both to honey and to money speaks of a world that’s out of kilter.

The poem by George Herbert is called Providence – all 38 verses flow from a faith that everything is a gift, that all is connected and exists for the praise of God. When that particular thread is pulled the whole fabric eventually unravels

One of the ironies of the present money crisis is that printed on the back of an American 10 dollar bill are the words “In God we Trust”. But all the talk is about ‘lack of confidence’ and everything being ‘out of control’. Maybe it’s time for politicians to listen to poets, for our leaders to learn from nature and for the managers of money to learn from those apian makers of honey about how to create wealth without others having to suffer loss.

Read the whole thing.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops, Economy, England / UK, Religion & Culture

One comment on “Bishop James Jones: Nature can teach us how to make a profit without harming others

  1. azusa says:

    Wow, almost on par with his recent dazzling insight that women should be bishops because the job of bishops is to ‘feed the body of Christ’, and that’s what the Virgin Mary did.