Salena Zito: Mood Sours Towards Both Parties

What does all of this mean?

Populism is on the rise and conservatism is gaining steam, perhaps at its own expense. (If Hoffman loses in New York, it almost ensures that the Northeast will be almost exclusively Democrat-blue territory).

A sour mood exists among people, with close-to-10-percent unemployment, decreasing health-care benefits and rising taxes – and a view that the well-heeled get bailed-out but John and Joan Q. Citizen do not.

Because our political system was designed to be slow and laborious and to do little, that sour mood grows rather than dissipates.

These political conditions have made the difficult course of lawmaking become nearly impossible, and governing has become highly averse to coherent action.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Economy, House of Representatives, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, Office of the President, Politics in General, President Barack Obama, Psychology, Senate, State Government, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

3 comments on “Salena Zito: Mood Sours Towards Both Parties

  1. Sarah says:

    RE: “Populism is on the rise and conservatism is gaining steam, perhaps at its own expense. (If Hoffman loses in New York, it almost ensures that the Northeast will be almost exclusively Democrat-blue territory).”

    Not at all at conservatism’s “expense.” Perhaps at the Republican Party’s expense . . . but then “Republican Party” and “conservative” are two rather different things.

    Looks increasingly as if the Republican Party did not learn what it needed to back in 08. A pity, for we will all suffer because there is not a party for conservatives now.

    What does this mean? It means that more people, even than in 08, will NOT vote for a Republican if he or she is not a conservative. I look forward to voting for Lindsey Graham’s opponent and Bob Inglis’s opponent — and if there is no reasonable opponent to simply not voting for either.

    Good luck Lindsey and Bob. Good luck Republican Party! Hope you learn real real soon now.

  2. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    The Republicrats have not learned yet. I agree with Sarah (she of the beautiful mind) that the rise of populism and conservativism is at the expense of the Republicrats. Neocon is not conservative, it is the worst of both the Left and the Right. Neocons grow government, increase deficits, export jobs (NAFTA & GATT), destroy our manufacturing base, devalue our currency (deliberate policies of inflation), practice world policing and nation building, and abrogate US sovereignty, and cave to the communists/socialists at every turn.

    I lament the fall of the GOP into their hands. I long for them to return to genuine conservative principles, and I long even more for a return to following the US Constitution. The Republic is dying. The mob is ascending. The only cure is a rapid return to conservative and constitutional government. Why do the Republicrats refuse to see this?

    Lord, have mercy on the sheep of your pasture. Remember those that call upon your name. Have mercy on those that walk in the Way and make our path clear and our footsteps firm. Keep us from falling from the narrow path. You are our strength and our shield and those that trust in You shall not be made ashamed. Though all around us melt away, though wind and storm and fire consume, though the thief robs and kills and destroys, You will not suffer your children to be laid low. Like a mighty wind, and with the voice of many waters, You will save your remnant. You have placed a mark upon our foreheads, by the hand of your angel you have sealed your own. Nothing can separate us from your love.

  3. evan miller says:

    Amen, Sick and Tired!