Bishop Howe of Central Florida's Homily from a Eucharist this past week

Watch it all (a little over 5 minutes). Always nice to hear an Episcopal Bishop encourage people to memorize Scripture–KSH.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, Preaching / Homiletics, TEC Bishops

2 comments on “Bishop Howe of Central Florida's Homily from a Eucharist this past week

  1. Milton Finch says:

    Absolutely wonderful! Thank you, Bishop Howe! Thank you!

  2. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Yes, Milton, and 1 Cor. 10:13 is certainly a good text to know by heart. In my experience, little 5 minute homilies like this are sometimes harder to do well than a full length Sunday sermon. You have to be focused like a laser beam.

    I highly recommend the Navigators’ marvelous [b]Topical Memory System[/b] (or TMS) as a great way to get started in making the systematic memorization of God’s Word a regular habit. The 60 verses in that set (30 groups of two short biblical texts on various topics) are a fabulous tool for fostering Christian maturity. I learned those 60 verses in college, and it’s stood me well ever since.

    Despite three expensive years of seminary, and a good many more getting my Ph.D. in biblical studies, and investing many thousands of dollars in scholarly commentaries (and many hours in reading them), I can honestly testify that the simple memorization of God’s Word (and the meditation on it that such memorization makes possible anytime, anywhere) regularly brings me more benefits than any other form of Bible study.

    David Handy+
    former Navigator