ENS: Presiding bishop preaches at St. Paul's Cathedral in London

Read it all and please note it also includes a section on the recent ACC Standing Committee meeting and related matters.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Consultative Council, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, Preaching / Homiletics, Presiding Bishop

3 comments on “ENS: Presiding bishop preaches at St. Paul's Cathedral in London

  1. Pb says:

    “Ready, willing and able” will probably end up in the new baptismal covenant. This is a different gospel.

  2. Militaris Artifex says:

    I find the following quote a revealing euphemism [emphasis added]: [blockquote]The committee noted the resignations of archbishops Henry Orombi of Uganda, Justice Akrofi of West Africa and Middle East President Bishop Mouneer Anis “and agreed that its response to them would express regret that their voices would be missed and that [b]the committee’s work was diminished when it lacked a range of opinion as well as full representation[/b].”[/blockquote] A more truthful statement would have replaced the highlighted text with [blockquote]the committee’s actions are exposed when it lacks the cover of seeming to include contrary opinions ….[/blockquote] After all, the disregard for the opinions of +Orombi, +Anis, [i]et al[/i] were the stated reasons for the resignations of those good Archbishops. Do we detect an increase in the dissimulation and prevarication coming from TEC, not to mention now witnessing representatives of the CofE involved in similar shamefully unChristian behavior? IMHO, a bit of honesty from the heretics would make for a refreshing change of pace.

    Pax et bonum,
    Keith Töpfer

  3. Teatime2 says:

    Hmmm, she seems to be mitreless.