(Washington Post) Economy poll: African Americans, Hispanics hit hardest but are most optimistic

Despite severe losses during the recession, the majority of African Americans see the economy improving and are confident that their financial prospects will improve soon.

That optimism, shared to a lesser degree by Hispanics, stands in stark contrast to the deeper pessimism expressed by a majority of whites. In general, whites are more satisfied with their personal financial situations but also more sour about the nation’s economic prospects.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Consumer/consumer spending, Economy, Housing/Real Estate Market, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, Personal Finance, Psychology, Race/Race Relations, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

2 comments on “(Washington Post) Economy poll: African Americans, Hispanics hit hardest but are most optimistic

  1. mari says:

    Sorry, but I’m fed up with the lie that black Americans and Hispanics are hardest hit. It’s simply a lie. Let’s start off with the lie about Hispanics. According to reports from the Dept of Labor, and Pew, Hispanics have had higher rates of getting jobs, than all Americans, whether black or white, consistently. When ever there are new hiring reports (the DoL tracks employment now, only as whether it’s Hispanic or “non-Hispanic”), Hispanics have high rates of being hired, even when non-Hispanics are losing their jobs.

    Whether it’s Hispanics or black Americans given the fact that they are small percentages of the over all population, the percentage of their share of the population, doesn’t account for the massive numbers of unemployed citizens who happen to be white. Now, stating that doesn’t make me hostile to black or Hispanic Americans, facts are facts, and it’s inhumane, and unChristian to perpetuate the left’s moral relativism.. ignore the fact that white Americans are suffering from the displacement, and demand that the sole focus of concern be that minorities are the hardest impacted. It’s plain wrong. What’s more, it also helps provide the left more excuses to make unemployment even worse, for black or Hispanic citizens, because the left then condones even more illegal immigration and the importation of more visa workers.

    Any discussion of unemployment, needs to focus on the fact that all unemployed citizens are the hardest hit, and their plight is being ignored. They are suffering, and are being shoved down between the cracks, by the leftists who merely view them as something to exploit, and cast aside. We need to do better as Christians.

  2. Teatime2 says:

    I agree with you, for the most part. Two things, though. It’s not just the left that champions the need for illegal immigration. Both sides of the aisle have been giving us the tired argument of how we need the illegal immigrants to do the work that “white Americans (primarily)” refuse to do. George W. Bush did nothing to stop the illegal onslaught on our border here in Texas or on the national level. He defended their interests, and the interests of the businesses who clamor to hire them.

    My second point is related. In many states, especially Texas, Hispanics aren’t a “small minority.” The latest census shows their numbers growing rapidly and the Hispanic portion of Texas’ population is only about 10 percent lower than the white population. Remember that this doesn’t include all of the illegal immigrants who live here, compete for jobs, and didn’t participate in the census form. The Hispanic percentage of the population will be the majority fairly soon. Texas and other states have had a “minority majority” for years.

    Illegal immigration is now having an impact on almost all of the states and this population is making its presence felt. As the Border states rush to enact tougher legislation aimed at removing the benefits of coming here illegally, we can expect the illegal immigrants to continue to move farther into the country to settle, as they have been doing.

    Maybe that’s what needs to happen to get others’ heads out of the sand. When the problems associated with illegal immigration, in particular, start hitting and costing the places where these elitist eggheads in denial work and reside, they won’t be able to sneer at the troubling demographics related to teen pregnancy, educational attainment, and other indicators as a Southern “redneck” problem. And they may not be as willing to frame economics in terms of race/ethnicity, either.