Phillips Brooks on Preaching

Courage…is the indispensable requisite of any true ministry…. If you are afraid of men and a slave to their opinion, go and do something else. Go make shoes to fit them. Go even and paint pictures you know are bad but will suit their bad taste. But do not keep on all of your life preaching sermons which shall not say what God sent you to declare, but what they hire you to say. Be courageous. Be independent.

—-Phillips Brooks, Lectures on Preaching, the 1877 Yale Lectures (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1969), p. 59


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Church History, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, Preaching / Homiletics, TEC Bishops

One comment on “Phillips Brooks on Preaching

  1. Michael+ says:

    Brooks’ lectures were fantastic, I often give copies to new ordinands. This quote is my personal favorite.

    Harp’s biography took a lot of wind out of my Brooks sails, but ya gotta admit, Brooks theology notwithstanding, that the man could preach.