A Message to the Clergy of the Diocese of South Carolina from Bishop Mark Lawrence

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We announced last month on August 20th that the Standing Committee and I were in agreement on a course of action regarding the future of the Diocese of South Carolina and the challenges many of us face because of decisions by the recent General Convention of the Episcopal Church. However, for many reasons it was then and is now, imprudent to reveal that course of action. Things are progressing””we have not stopped or dropped the ball. Please know that I understand the level of anxiety and concern of many in the diocese. Nevertheless I must ask you all for your continued patience and prayers as we seek to deal wisely and carefully with a fluid situation that requires great discernment and sensitivity on a regular basis. I will communicate to you the details at the very earliest moment such a communication is prudent.

Faithfully yours in Christ,

–(The Rt. Rev.) Mark J. Lawrence is Bishop of South Carolina

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, --Gen. Con. 2012, --Proposed Formation of a new North American Province, Anthropology, Common Cause Partnership, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ethics / Moral Theology, General Convention, Pastoral Theology, Presiding Bishop, TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: South Carolina, Theology, Theology: Scripture

4 comments on “A Message to the Clergy of the Diocese of South Carolina from Bishop Mark Lawrence

  1. CharlietheCook says:

    I’m supportive of Bishop Lawrence but I think this sort of communique is a bad idea – “I know something but can’t tell you.”

    Enemies are, as well, girding their loins at this bit of news one can be almost certain.

  2. PeterL says:

    So what are we to infer? Still plotting the exit strategy so we don’t make the same mistakes as Pittsburgh? Or maybe we’ll stay but still debating how to punish TEC? Or more likely yet: how to release as many properties as possible to do as they like?

  3. Sarah says:

    RE: “Or more likely yet: how to release as many properties as possible to do as they like?”

    Oh, that was done as soon as the SC Supreme Court ruled on TEC and SC property. ; > )

  4. Sarah says:

    RE: “So what are we to infer?”

    I don’t think libs are meant to infer anything at all, though no doubt they will infer as they have been inferring for the past 6 years or so.

    And blessedly nobody needs to work at punishing the current leadership of TEC. All one needs to do is allow the consequences of their behavior to continue to unfold as they have for the past decade, and the institution they have thoroughly devastated and consumed will continue to fold in on itself.