(NY Times) Hey Mom, Call Me When You Find My Wife

Some mothers ”” and some fathers, too ”” will do just about anything to see their marriage-age offspring settle down, even if that means going where parents ordinarily should never go ”” online and into their children’s posted dating profiles.

“It’s almost like outsourcing your online dating to your mom,” said Kevin Leland, chief executive of TheJMom.com, a Jewish matchmaking site and one of several Web sites that have arisen to cater to parents, some with more money than patience, who want to see that ideal match made.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Blogging & the Internet, Children, Consumer/consumer spending, Economy, Marriage & Family, Young Adults

One comment on “(NY Times) Hey Mom, Call Me When You Find My Wife

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    The idea of arranged marriages seems shockingly anti-romantic in the modern world if not positively immoral in the minds of some people. But they remain much more common than people realize. And anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that divorce rates may be lower.