(SFGate Blog) “Tips for Jesus” leaves $3,000 tip at S.F. restaurant

The anonymous diner famous for leaving huge tips in the name of Jesus ”” or, perhaps, a copycat ”” paid a visit to a San Francisco sushi restaurant Tuesday night, forking over a $3,000 tip on a $147 bill.

Employees at the high-end Japanese restaurant Roka Akor on Montgomery Street confirmed a “tall, dark and handsome” man dined with one other person before signing over the obscenely generous gratuity with the note “Tips for Jesus.” He also picked up the $389 tab for the table next to his ”” leaving before his waitress could thank him.

Read it all.

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One comment on “(SFGate Blog) “Tips for Jesus” leaves $3,000 tip at S.F. restaurant

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    I bow to this gentleman’s liberality (in the traditional and positive sense of the term). But while I think well bread people should tip, and generously if the service warrants, I also believe that if I had a lot of money to throw around it might do more good in the hands of the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities. Of course it is his money and he is free to be generous to whom he wishes.