(NYT) U.S. Religious Leaders Embrace Cause of Immigrant Children

After protesters shouting “Go home” turned back busloads of immigrant mothers and children in Murrieta, Calif., a furious Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, sat down at his notepad and drafted a blog post detailing his shame at the episode, writing, “It was un-American; it was unbiblical; it was inhumane.”

When the governor of Iowa, Terry E. Branstad, said he did not want the migrants in his state, declaring, “We can’t accept every child in the world who has problems,” clergy members in Des Moines held a prayer vigil at a United Methodist Church to demonstrate their desire to make room for the refugees.

The United States’ response to the arrival of tens of thousands of migrant children, many of them fleeing violence and exploitation in Central America, has been symbolized by an angry pushback from citizens and local officials who have channeled their outrage over illegal immigration into opposition to proposed shelter sites. But around the nation, an array of religious leaders are trying to mobilize support for the children, saying the nation can and should welcome them.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Children, Ethics / Moral Theology, Immigration, Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Politics in General, Religion & Culture, Theology

3 comments on “(NYT) U.S. Religious Leaders Embrace Cause of Immigrant Children

  1. Capt. Father Warren says:

    The NYT article skillfully conflates two disjointed issues so as to paint a new picture of the ugly American and to embrace “good Christians”, ie, those who can be used to support the ideology of the NYT in the context of the current flood of illegal invaders to this country.

    It is amazing: pick any country from whence the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country come from, and here is what you will find. Each of those countries have rigid immigration policies and border restrictions. Yet apparently, we are not allowed that same luxury.

    And because of that, the NYT can then equate protests against illegal persons being forced into one’s community to lack of compassion and trumpet the “good Christians” who are supporting the NYT ideological bent that there should be no borders in the US.

    And of course, the NYT is silent on the 100,000 gang members who are estimated to have entered the US and are congregating in major urban centers like Chicago [Google Chicago and 4th of July and read about the gang related carnage that weekend].

  2. magnolia says:

    here’s the latest research on the real reason most of them are coming; after all, violence has been happening for years and this surge is recent.

  3. Capt. Father Warren says:

    When the President declares “the border is more secure than ever”, maybe he is thinking of the northern border? For example;


    After all, the President has refused Gov Perry’s invitation to see the southern border and admitted the other day in Seattle that he does not look at the news.